Our company constantly adjusts and optimises our services and the products we offer, always aiming at the cutting edge of technology.
For this objective we are dynamically active in the field of intelligent traffic management systems. With the help of proprietary servers, we offer through the internet services for telematic control of traffic installations and electronic management and monitoring of workflows, from which the qualified Authorities (supervising Public Services) can receive information in real time about the status of the installations, about eventual failures, and about incidents and works taking place at the installations that are supported by our company.
A few words about us

TRAFFIC TECHNIQUE was established in February 2000. Its activities belong to the technical, constructional and commercial field and its purpose has been identified as the construction of public and private projects, the provision of technical support services, as well as the trade of dedicated, high-tech electronic and IT products.
The company specializes in the study, installation and technical support of road-traffic signalling and management systems and similarly associated installations.
TRAFFIC TECHNIQUE is qualitatively certified since 23.06.2006 in the specialized field in which it occupies, namely in the construction and maintenance of traffic-signalling installations, by the TÜV NORD company, according to the international EN ISO 9001:2008 quality management standard.
Installations – Infrastructure

TRAFFIC TECHNIQUE is based in Thessaloniki, at the 8th km of Thessaloniki – Thermi road. The building in which the premises of the company are housed includes Offices with a total area of 180 m2, warehouse with a total area of 500 m2, as well as electronic/electrical laboratories with a total area of 100 m2 for the technical support (development / programming / testing / assembly) of the products that the company places on the market.
The above facilities are fully equipped with all the means necessary (personal computers and servers, software and IT equipment, test benches with field-installation emulation setups, machinery and tools) for the reliable processing of the technical commitments and commercial needs of the company.


The company is continuing, in a renewed structure, the activities of a previous private technical and commercial company, which was founded in the early 1970’s and part of which activities were similar to the current one. To the workforce of the new company were added most of the technical staff of the original company. The new company has an extensive and multiyear experience, and has in its potential both specialized technical staff and infrastructure based on technical means, expertise and facilities, with the help of which it constructed and supported during its 16-year long course:

Traffic signal installations
in urban and suburban/interurban roads.

Field installations
of central and intelligent traffic control systems in urban areas.

Remote control
of traffic signal installations and their associated electronic equipment.

Communication networks
(wired and wireless) for the centralized control of traffic signal installations.

of traffic control systems inside road tunnels.

Traffic rules violation
registration and confirmation (speeding and/or red light violation).
The supply, installation and start-up (commissioning) of the specialized equipment, is coupled (if requested) with the administration of advisory services by our company to Authorities / users during the stage of project planning in order to select the most technically suitable solution and the most appropriate equipment. Next, the respective Authority is offered, where appropriate, the required high-level technical support for the maintenance and/or supervision of the installations’ functionality, while being provided with the proper means (i.e. online monitoring via the internet) and by ensuring effective intervention procedures for maintaining the integrity and efficient operation of the installations.
Cooperation with special equipment Manufacturers

Our company is the exclusive representative in Greece of the Italian Manufacturing House “S.C.A.E. S.p.A.” (traffic control equipment, signal heads, e.t.c.), dealer for the British firm AGD Systems Ltd (radar based traffic detection systems), as well as for the French firm CITILOG (camera-based traffic detection systems).